Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to the Art Room 2011

Greetings to all Parents and friends!

Welcome to the Art Room for 2011.

This is a big year for us as the Art Show will be held late in Term 3. Planning is already underway to make this a special event with added twists to make it new and different.

Don't forget to pop into the art room when you are passing to see the work the children are doing. Some of the Grade Six students are currently exploring the features of modroc to make masks and planning their elaborate decorations. Others are using oil pastels to illustrate birds in their natural environment. The students in Grades Three and Four have finished their God's Eyes and Dream Catchers, which were a great hit, and also begun a project involving drawing birds in different poses. The Grade Ones and Twos have completed a mixed media illustration of a scene from the Mr McGee stories and featured castles in a picture designed to tell a story. Our new Preps have been using paint and hand prints to make a range of interesting and colourful animals and insects.

Attached is a photo of last year's Story Poles. Ideas for this year's Memory Trail art work are being developed! The other photo is of a God's Eye.

Thank you very much to all the parents who have donated items to the art room and to the people who have offered to come in and help. Ms Sawada and I love to have an extra adult to help out so we hope to see you soon.
Anne Duke and Etsuka Sawada

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