Saturday, March 28, 2009

Last Week of Term One

The last week of term has arrived with many bears well on the way to being finished. Jack Baker and Harry Cooper, in grade 5, have finished sewing their teddies and will make outfits for them this week. Well done boys!
On the right is the little jointed bear being made by some children.

The children in Prep will complete their mixed media picture related to the beautifully illustrated picture story book, "Fox", this week and the grade three and four children will be continuing to work on their Bottle Character. Some have already started painting and decorating their model and all children should be planning their photo story which we will complete next term.

The schedule for this year's Royal Melbourne Show has arrived so, over the holidays, I will be compiling a list of all the classes we can enter . Twenty of our cute teddy bears will certainly be on display.

Happy holidays all!

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