Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Art Show is Over!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time at the art show on Thursday night. We had a great turn out pretty good weather for the event. I would like to sincerely thank the team of parents who worked so hard to put up the displays, and Suryati Dzulzalani who put many hours into helping my husband and I take it all down again! Thanks also to all the fabulous staff members and parents who manned the bbq and bars, snow cone machine and raffle and donation tables, and looked after the multi media displays and entertainment stage on the night, to make this another successful and enjoyable SNPS event. A special thank you to Annette Sax and Sofie Xinopolous for their excellent Artist in Schools display and felting demonstration. Well done all! Hard work, but worth it when you see how much the children and parents enjoy this social occasion .

Here are a few pictures of the art work on display. I took some photos of people on the night but these will be displayed at school rather than on the net.

Only two years until the next show!
Anne Duke

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Art Show is Coming!

Now that the madness of the Royal Melbourne Show is over (well done all!) it is time to start organising the Art Show. This year it's being held on Thursday 22nd October from 5.00pm to 8.00pm. Along with the usual work from the art room we will be displaying the media projects the children have completed in computer classes, videos from LOTE and the work inspired by the Artists in Schools program. I have once again invited students to provide entertainment and a bbq and drinks will be available to purchase. We are also raffling a lovely wooden coffee table and a small metal angel-fish sculpture donated by an ex-student. I know the fish alone is valued at over $350! Well worth winning.
If any one can help put up displays on Tuesday 20th October I would be very grateful.
See you there!
Anne Duke